Friday, 6 January 2012

LMRA Winter 2012 Meeting Feb 4th

London Model Railroader’s
Association “Winter Meeting”
All are welcome
Saturday February 4th

"CN Freight moves eastbound on Don Wesley’s Shalebank Subdivision in N Scale. (LMRA Layout Tour) (courtesy of Don.)

o Guest Speaker (Leo Johansen – on making manual turnout controls)
o Guest Speaker (Brian Smith – on his new layout, featuring a town district, ethanol plant and scrap yards)
o Layout Tour 2012 Discussion
o Dicker Table (If you have items for the Dicker Table please bring them.)
o Refreshments provided
Church of the Ascension (formerly ELAM)
2060 Dundas Street East London, Ontario
6:15 to 10:00 (Meeting starts at 7pm)
For more information contact 519-773-8652
Or Email:

Come out for another season. The cost for the events is still only $10.00 (which covers two meetings and fall layout tour). Guests are $5 per meeting, $10 for annual membership. Please make an effort to bring your e-mail address so the Secretary will be able to contact you easily in the future.
See you there.