Tuesday, 25 September 2012

LMRA 2012 Booklet Download

Good Evening Fellow Modellers and General Public

The London Model Railroaders Association is pleased to welcome another year of the Fall Layout Tour.

This years tour will be on October 13th from 8am to 8pm.


The booklet will not be available this year at registration points. The book is free and is the responsibility of the

tourer to print their own respective copy.

In addition our Fall Meeting on November 24th, 2012 at East London Anglican Ministries 2060 Dundas Steet East London, Ontario 6:30 to 10:00pm (7pm start) will be featured again this year.

Enjoy the layout tour. If at any time you have questions or problems downloading the booklet please email me.

Best Regards,
Lorne James, LMRA President

Friday, 7 September 2012

2012 Layout Tour Flyer




(Layout on tour, Brian Smith – H0 Scale)


All are welcome. Registration packages are FREE ONLINE at http://londonmodelrailroadersassociation.blogspot.com/


The information will be posted on this website regarding status, new layouts, Youtube videos, and layout photos. The final copy of the book will be posted in September.


If you require a printed book, please contact us below.

For more information either call 519-773-8652 or email jameslg@amtelecom.net.

Enjoy the tour, LMRA.

Friday, 6 January 2012

LMRA Winter 2012 Meeting Feb 4th

London Model Railroader’s
Association “Winter Meeting”
All are welcome
Saturday February 4th

"CN Freight moves eastbound on Don Wesley’s Shalebank Subdivision in N Scale. (LMRA Layout Tour) (courtesy of Don.)

o Guest Speaker (Leo Johansen – on making manual turnout controls)
o Guest Speaker (Brian Smith – on his new layout, featuring a town district, ethanol plant and scrap yards)
o Layout Tour 2012 Discussion
o Dicker Table (If you have items for the Dicker Table please bring them.)
o Refreshments provided
Church of the Ascension (formerly ELAM)
2060 Dundas Street East London, Ontario
6:15 to 10:00 (Meeting starts at 7pm)
For more information contact 519-773-8652
Or Email: jameslg@amtelecom.net

Come out for another season. The cost for the events is still only $10.00 (which covers two meetings and fall layout tour). Guests are $5 per meeting, $10 for annual membership. Please make an effort to bring your e-mail address so the Secretary will be able to contact you easily in the future.
See you there.